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Art for art's sake...

Van Gogh

Self PortraitsVan Gogh



Saint Clair

Beach ScenesSaint Clair
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Van Gogh

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The Kirraly gallery shows our favourite art works, from local artists to old masters. Art works on display change as we have requests and new ideas about art.

Under the Creative Commons 0 licence, all art works of artists having passed away 70 plus years ago come under the Public Domain where they can be used and copied for commercial or other purposes. This applies to all the old masters and some other art works on display at the Kirraly gallery.

We try not to show too much at a time as this can overload the senses and detract from the pleasure of viewing. Although everything is for sale our wish is that visitors can have an experience by just looking around the gallery.

The Kirraly gallery is based in Aotearoa/New Zealand and reflects some local as well as international themes, each purchase is printed and finished at a printery in the United States.

We are having a play with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the results so far are a little "mind bending!" - have fun with these and let us know if you have any ideas of what you'd like to see.

We can be contacted any time at

Collection list

“Art is never finished, only abandoned.” – Leonardo Da Vinci

“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.” – Andy Warhol

“If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I, an artist, will answer you: I am here to live out loud.” – Émile Zola

“I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.” – Vincent Van Gogh

Royal Academy

Live Aid

The art world is an ever changing place, from different thoughts on historical art to new ideas such as Artificial Intelligence. At Kirraly we are interested in all these things and will bring what's happening out there to you in this blog and will be reflected in the art we share with you in the gallery. Thx, Graham

The Kirraly Blog